Mountain Bike
Trail Therapy
Mountain Bike Trail Therapy at Comrie Croft
Trail Therapy is an innovative intervention programme that seeks to use mountain biking in combination with more traditional therapy techniques to support those with a diagnosed mental health illness.
The Trail Therapy programme is 6 - 8 weeks long, with one 2hr session per week. Throughout the 6 weeks participants will discover FLOW and how Mountain Biking merges focus and intentional movement to give incredible results:
Mindfulness & focus
Socialising – mountain biking is a catalyst for conversation
Emotional regulation
Decision making
“Natures peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves”
— John Muir
MTB Trail Therapy Practicioners
Emily was the first person to to complete all the requirements to become a fully qualified MTB TT Practitioner. Scott qualified shortly after. This means as a minimum they both hold the following qualifications:
MTB Guide qualification
MTB Coaching qualification
Trail Therapy Practitioner Course (4 days)
Mental Health First Aid
Members of the PVG scheme
Outdoor First Aid qualified
“Thank you so much for introducing me to mountain biking. It has so helped me with my mental health and my battle with anxiety and depression.”
“Trail Therapy has changed my life, it has done more for me than any intensive therapy or medication”
Contact Us
Please get in touch if you or someone you know would benefit from this programme.